Sunday, November 28, 2010

My First Post. Oh Happy Days!!

Hmm first post. This first one will determine in some ways just where this whole thing heads towards. Well in brief, this will be a place for me to get things I want/need to complain/rant/ponder about out. I'm an undergrad university student, so there should be plenty of those fun stories... yeah fun sure, let's just go with that. I'm in the evolutionary biology major, so there will be science posts, often biology related (bet you didn't see that one coming). Further, I am an atheist so I hope to post some fun things about emails or comments received, they always seem to have good comedic value.
Last thing I can think of at the moment, I have a research position, AS A FRESHMAN, its so much fun. After the rain, go out to the fields to catalog tiger salamanders. Recently we had a day with 560 manders (salamanders), it was INSANE. Stayed out for 10 hours processing them, and we still hadn't finished. We hope to set up a blog about that, let you know if it ever occurs.
OH, MOVIES. I watch those occasionally. Recently got back from Thanksgiving break with family and we saw Megamind and Tangled, both in 3D. I found the 3D to add very little, in fact it kind of takes away from the whole experience I feel. There are times when it just confuses me as to where some things are because they blend together. Other times it just annoys me because the images all look like they're on different screens in different positions, so they don't move together very well, its all just so gimmicky just to make people pay more for the same experience. Last thing to say about those, the bad 3D effects that movies have give me headaches, I get them somewhat frequently, but the glasses always seem to bring them on.
....BOOKS. Yes read them to. So I will probably post suggestions, reviews, cool shit I've read in them. Current selection - In A Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson. Really enjoying it so far.
As a freshman in the dorms I have roommates... yeah them. Well they aren't all bad.. I guess. So officially have 3 others, unofficially have like 5. First there's Jay, really nice guy, culturally Hindu, but not religiously. Has a really interesting back story that I should get into sometime, but have the other 4 to get to. Next up is Sean. Also really nice, but bad about studying.. AT ALL. He skips class all the time to sleep, I swear he is a truly nocturnal person. His girlfriend, Katrina, would be a 3rd roommate (unofficial). She is here at least 70% of the time when Sean is here, sooo yeah basically living with us. NUMBER 4, would be "Trixie", quote marks because it is a ... nickname... she's one of those creepy blowup dolls that Sean and Katrina bought while in a sex shop, they have a very interesting relationship. Finally we arrive at Drew. Drew is a high school friend I've known for 4 years. A LOT of stories I tell about college life will be concerning Drew because of his many many idiosyncrasies. HE WATCHES ME SLEEP!! And that's a lower level of creepy he achieves on a weekly basis.
AHH This is so long already, but yeah. Those will all be very frequent topics on this blog because I have no idea what to do with this thing. I've never had a diary before so all of this is foreign ground. I feel like a short white guy in a group of asians, "I'm tall WTF!!" After that little bit of racism, I feel I shall end it.

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