I've been away for nearly a month what with holiday travel and such. I got up this morning, confident I was going to do some work, there was a plan end everything - no such luck. What went wrong? I had forgotten just what day it was.
I got back from break late last week and when I got back there were some things that needed to be taken care of, the basic clean-up sort of things and a few PhD applications to finish. One roommate was gone, the other preparing for his own trip, so I had the weekend for myself. It was a nice way to get back into the swing of things.
Then this morning, I woke up had already gotten a few things prepared to do work: collected some lab materials that needed to be moved, found a few more PhD openings, even made some strawberry syrup. So I collected all my things, because as said, I had plans: gonna finish moving materials, see a professor, do some stats, etc.
I walk over to campus and see a bit of a shock - not hardly any vehicles in the parking lot. It's a Monday. Winter break is over. Where are all the students? Teachers? Maintenance? Nowhere. Then, halfway through the parking lot, it dawns on me - Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday.
How the heck did I manage to forget that!? I even knew about it from the night before, reading articles about President Targaryian's recent comments on "not America" countries. News media ablaze about how the comments were racist, and just before MLK day, how did I forget it?
Oh well, still managed some work today. For the most part though, I just finished watching The Punisher and played games online with some friends.The day may not have gone as planned, but it all worked out anyways.
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