Saturday, January 1, 2011

Classic Gaming

Needed to do a blog on this. GAMING! Some may think of me as a gamer, but really I'm much more of a classic gamer. Newer games I find, well... less interesting or less entertaining. I don't know. May just be because I grew up with an N64 and NES both at home and at school. Really though I find that my favorite console is the N64.

Quickly, some specs for it, because I feel nerdy right now. To the iPhone!!!
 Reason it was called N64, well N for Nintendo (I would hope you all know that), 64 because it is a 64 -bit machine. It competed with the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation. It was the only contender that continued to use cartridges. This was a slight limitation. But it was the tech that made it more advanced. The graphics were all thanks due to Silicon Graphics. Because of the advanced graphics, the machine was thought to rival supercomputers of the time. It was also the first console to have force feedback technology (Nintendo is really good at innovating, perhaps something on that some other time). So those are some fun things, but to get to the other stuff.

Games: The best part.
MARIO 64, honestly who doesn't like this game? One of the two launch titles!
Blast Corps., basically go around and destroy buildings so that the truck with nuclear bomb or something doesn't crash. It's something like that, t crashes it goes boom, what more is there to say?
Mario Kart, classic.
Tetrisphere, fun, but hard game. Yes tetris, kind of, but the idea is there are creatures stuck under the planet created by tetris blocks. Very hard.
Bomberman 64, unlike any other Bomberman game really, difficulty curve grows exponentially making it frustrating at a certain point.
Starfox 64, really a remake of the original Starfox for the SNES, made mostly to show of the capablility of the machine to do 3-D effects unlike the Genesis. The 64 version is a lot of fun, and very nostalgic for me. Always asked to beat the final boss for kids at daycare.. ah good times.
Smash Bros. Heck Yes! The original one. They didn't think it would do very well really because it was just another fighting game, but it became a proof of concept and then came Melee, personally the best of the series. If you find the original in a store you are very lucky, it came at the end of the consoles life so relatively few were ever made.
Banjo-Kazooie, I have mentioned before, but oh the times. This one really is the most nostalgic of the games because it takes me back to like 4th grade with Tyler. One of my best friends back then and all we did was compare notes for this game, The memories.
007 Goldeneye. This game just about single handedly created the first person shooter genre. Still having to go back and get better at it, freaking Natalie must hate life. She just stands in the middle of the room and gets shot at expecting you to defend her. Finally got through that though, now I have to defeat Jaws... oye vey.

So those are the main games I have so far, but those are some of my favorite games for the machine. Among other classic gaming machines I've got are the NES and Genesis. These really make me feel like these classic games were more difficult than newer games and much more creative. Nowadays I feel like they are focusing more on the graphics than creativity. That's really part of why I don't play many of the newer games, also price, I'm cheap. Now to go out and find pictures.

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