Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Quarter Doth Begun

I walk into the room and first thing I find out is that Sean will most likely be gone this quarter. MOST DEPRESSING!!! Then I read his Facebook status where he claims no Davis for the rest of the year... BEYOND DEPRESSING!!! Long story short, his scholarship didn't come through in time so Davis was like, No, and then we were like What? and Davis was still like No. So that's the big thing so far.

Now to the classes.
The easy course the quarter will be the Dinosaurs course. Using Dinosaurs as a case study we will study evolutionary theory and the process of SCIENCE!! The teacher so far seems very interested in the subject and fun. So this is good. Even better though! I share the class with both Drew and Charlie, let the competition begin. These two are the biggest dinosaur nerds I know of, so it will be fun to see who knows more. They both seem to research this stuff for fun, so its a fairly even playing field, but Charlie definitely beats both of us in scientific names and taxonomy. However with Drew's passion for history he may know more background of this study. So far though the score is Charlie-1 and Drew-1/2. The reason is Charlie got to answer what dinosaur was up (an Iguanadon), but Drew had his hand up. I recognized it but couldn't think of it in time. I expect to lose this competition.

Another anthropology course, this time Intro to Archaeology. So far it hasn't been too interesting, but first day. We just talked about what archaeologists do and what they look for. We did watch the classic section from Indiana Jones with the golden idol, this was to show what archaeologists don't do. Professor doesn't seem to be bad, he's interested, but he isn't as engaging. again this could just be because it's the first day. Discussions in that class are 40% of the grade though, INTENSE! And it's classically graded, meaning 90%+ is A, 80-90 is B, 70-80 is C etc. May be harder than hoped for.

Starting my computer science career with programming and problem solving. Surprise, I'm taking it with David. So far we talked about a bit of history of programming, but the next lecture promises to be good. "The mechanics of shoot-em-up games." I'm a bit curious when we will start learning C programming, but that may just be from the text book with the daily homework. This should definitely be an interesting course and have already met some nice people in there and the professor is very entertaining.

More Math, horrah. Well this time it's sequences and series, one of the last topics we covered in IB so this should be more review for me. The problem is that this is in the engineering course so its more competitive. The professor is VERY ASIAN, with a thick accent. He seems really nice, but it can get hard to understand him when he changes l's to r's. May sound racist but it's true.

Finally I'm to chemistry. This one will prove to be the most frustrating in the beginning. I'm on the wait list, unfortunately I wasn't able to get into the lab today, and if you miss a lab then you drop the class. I have only  3 chances to make this lab, if not then I drop the class. This would be unfortunate as I made a new friend in the discussion, but at the same time it would be nice as I would then do chemistry with Charlie and get Enderle as a professor again. So for now, I'll try but it doesn't look good.
One oddity about this is that the girl I met texted me saying that the TA called me, but I wasn't allowed into the lab as a wait-listed student, so I'm not sure what this entails.

If chemistry gets knocked off then I shall try to find some other class to get a few more units out of, possibly psychology or something in that vein. We'll see.

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