Thursday, December 2, 2010

Harmonious Persimmons

You know how everyone tells you to not eat the food in college dining halls. Well today I tried a new fruit, if you didn't guess it yet well take a moment to think it over...persimmon. Yes I tried a persimmon today, it was weird. I'm glad I did, but I'm not sure I like them. Perhaps it could be that it was in a college dining hall, but I'm in an ag school they should know how to do this shit I would hope. And another thing, every time I hear persimmon I think parsimony (good evolution word), leading to parsimonious, which then makes me think harmonious. So persimmons are harmonious, why would I not want to eat it?

Describing a persimmon is really rather easy, so I suppose that's one nice thing about it. They look like orange tomatoes. Seriously that's all it takes to describe how they look like. So I grab this tomato looking thing and just stare at it. I'm not sure I want to eat this for two reasons. 1. It looks like a tomato, I don't particularly like tomatoes. 2. I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to eat it. If people were to see me they would think I were from the 1600's as I had this very puzzling look as I flipped it around and played a bit with the leaves. Just as I was about to give up on eating this tumorous looking mass of pure orange, I see someone walking by with a bite taken out of his persimmon, so as the saying goes; monkey see, monkey do. I felt rather pathetic as build up the courage to plunge my teeth into it. When I do I get a sudden surprise, THIS SKIN IS THICK, WHAT THE HELL? I thought this skin would kind of pop like a tomato skin, but NOOO it has to be all tough and shit. WELL TOO BAD, THATS WHAT INCISORS ARE FOR!! So now that I am firmly committed on tearing this fruit apart, I discover the texture of it's flesh. In this case it was quite soft, I would have to describe it as sort of like stemmed sweet potato or something close to that, just mushy. Then I get the taste... I did not expect it to taste like pumpkin pie filling... I was very confused. Here I think tomato, a true berry, and then I get squash, and not just any squash but pumpkin, and I get whisked away to memories of Thanksgiving and Halloween, COMBINED AT LAST.   Perhaps this is just what orange tastes like when not in citrus, I don't know.

After a bit or two, I'm chewing slowly so as to understand the flavor more and to decide if I'm going to finish it or not, then a girl sits by me and I begin to converse with her about how odd I find this fruit. It feels like its the Frankenstein's monster of fruits. Tomato with Pumpkin, who would've concocted such a random union? While talking to this girl, whom I'm sad to say did not give me her name, I remember there is a darker spot on the fruit I am about to get to. This is when I stop and stare at it for a few more minutes. I don't know whether this is just what happens when it's bruised or if this is how it looks when rotting. Becoming truly scared for my life over this stupid thing  I decide not to take me chances with this frankenmato, So overall I'm still not sure if I like them or not, but I do worry that one of those bruised spots will be the cause for the zombie apocalypse upon all of us! BEWARE THE FRANKENMATO!!

Update: I have found out the name of the girl I talked to during this experience. Her name is Diane.

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