Thursday, December 9, 2010

Salamanders Lost!

So today I was GOING to go out to catch salamanders, but I was unable to do so. The night life in my room had a different agenda, and that was to be up all night. I may be in another room, but when the door gets hit, you get startled awake. This happened all throughout the night.... So in total I may have gotten 2 hours of sleep all night, most of that was after 5am this morning. I had to leave by 6 to do the salamander research, so it was a very much no go for me today. needless to say I am upset about this. At 4:45 I had to send a message to my leader informing him of my lack of sleep, "Sleep has alluded me this night due to the night life (roommates) that has taken place here. Sadly I must say I will be of no use today." He's a nice guy and he understands, but I'm sure they could've used some more help out there.

My thinking is that because it is nearing the end of finals people are beginning to release all the tension, so they express it all during the night... whilst I sleep. The only thing to keep me from utter sorrow is this simple video.


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